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Showing posts from April, 2020

Cicada 3301( A secret Intelligence or a scam?)

It was a regular day on the 4th of July in the year 2012 when the above image was posted on 4chan which is similar to reddit but much less filtered and intense. I've been on reddit before but although I have never been on 4chan, I have heard pretty intense stories about it. Coming back to the current topic, the image was posted anonymously in the random section and the author went by the pseudonym 3301. The author as you can see challenged the users to find the message hidden in the image and a lot of people just considered it as someone trolling in their freetime but little did they know it was about to turn into the biggest scavenger hunt the internet had ever seen. Unlike some people who ignored the image, there were some who within minutes of the image being uploaded found out that the image when opened with a text editor consisted of a string encoded using Caesar Cipher.  TIBERIVS CLAVDIVS CAESAR says “lxxt>33m2mqkyv2gsq3q=w]O2ntk” Someone realized tha

Shani Shingnapur (The village with no doors or locks)

In this day and age of highly paranoid people and sophisticated security systems do you happen to know anyone who has no door or locks on their house? Who leaves their house with valuables without any protection?  Are you kidding me? Absolutely no. Atleast not in cities where the crime rate is higher than ever.  If you're anything like me and read a lot of true crime then you are highly paranoid just like i am.  But the people of a small village of Shani Shingnapur beg to differ. Like me if you have been to Shirdi in the state of Maharashtra you know that Shani Shingnapur is just a few hours away from it and is the home to the largest number of devotees of Lord Shani,the god of Saturn who is believed to be the guardian of the village. The inhabitants of village have no front doors and shops are always left unlocked. Despite this the locals never feel unsafe. Can't relate? Well trust me, me neither! The Legend behind this phenomenon is that about 300

The Chameleon effect( Are you a chameleon?)

Firstly I'd like to start off by saying the last post received alot of love and I'm honestly really grateful for your support! I'll try my best to bring more interesting topics to you guys!  Now let's get into the topic which we came for! Okay, so you know how you hangout with a person for too long and you actually start becoming them? You know what I'm talking about don't you?  You start talking like them, laughing like them, adapt their body language. While talking to your friend with an accent, have you found yourself gaining the accent to a certain extent too?  Yup happened to me too! I realised when I've been with a certain person for a long time I tend to act like them little by little, slowly adapting their mannerisms into my daily life and the fact that I don't even realise it is absolutely mind boggling. This phenomenon my friends, has a scientific name! It's called the chameleon effect! 

Imposter Syndrome: The reality of high achievers

Now, before you guys panic this is not a ailment but it very while might be considering the amount of stress and anxiety it can cause a person. Okay let me start with the definition of imposter before we dive in deep. An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else usually for an deceived gain or in simpler words a fraud. Yeah, its one thing to actually be an imposter and a whole other story to feel like one when you're not. Have you felt like you don't deserve what you achieved or that there people better than you out there who would've made the absolute most of the opportunity that you currently have? Have you ever felt like you just got lucky? Have you interpreted your accomplishments as a result of you deceiving others into believing that you are more intelligent than you perceive yourself to be? Yeah, well join the club. I definitely have! Multiple times and still do. So, you are not alone in this. The pressure and stress you feel, multiple am

Love Yourself (A sprinkle of self love)

Now, this is a topic quite different from what i usually write on this blog but nonetheless is very important and especially necessary in this difficult time!  Time and again we've heard it, the concept of self love but ask yourself whether or not you've actually given it some thought. The concept is easy enough to understand but difficult to apply. Loving yourself doesn't mean that suddenly you are a narcissist or selfish! Oh no, thats a whole different topic. Self love how i perceive it is that it pertains to acceptance and forgiveness. Loving yourself to me means accepting myself with all my flaws and forgiving myself for the mistakes i may have made in the past and may make in the future. Accepting that I am after all a human being and i do and will continue to make mistakes.  Loving yourself means putting yourself first and learning to accept that perfection is a a mere illusion. Perfection can never be attained but growth most certainly can. Failu

The Slit-mouthed woman( An urban legend)

So, I don't know how many of you enjoy the horror movie genre. I most certainly DO NOT! Yeah yeah go ahead and call me a scaredy cat if you want to but atleast I can admit it! I may not enjoy watching horror movies but I sure do love reading about urban legends along with true crime which is ironic considering I'm the most paranoid person you'll ever meet. I blame the addicting true crime shows on Netflix! Today I'd like to write about one such urban legend which has been going around for decades in Japan. The legend of the slit-mouthed woman. If you already know about it I'm sure you have goosebumps right about now but if you don't phew you better hide under the blankets. Isn't that a horrifying gif? Who's scared now haha! The slit-mouthed woman or Kuchisake- onna is a woman with half her face covered with mask and is usually known to carry a sharp object. She is said to roam the streets of Japan and is known to approac

CryoSleep (Just Science fiction or the future of the human race?)

Hey guys! Its Chai here back with my first official blog. Hope you enjoy! I'm sure many of you are fans of the famous show on Netflix. Oh which one you ask? Jus drein jus daun ! ring a bell?  If not then i'm slightly disappointed that you are missing out on such a great show, i'm talking about the show The 100.This series is the inspiration behind this post. Ooh yes a big fan here haha, so you better not bash the show in comments or i'm blocking you! Just kidding everyone has their opinions so please leave down in comments about how excited you are for the final season but if you haven't checked out the show please do! So, if you've been following the show regularly like me you know a bit about cryosleep but if not don't you worry, your savior Chai is here.  In the series it is shown that they sleep through a good 100+ years while they are alive to escape the radiation and to save the last of the human race.Yeah,right Clarke. Don&#

Let's have some tea!

Hey guys! Its Chai here. This is my first blog ever so i'm slightly nervous to put myself out there but i love writing and i love learning about new topics, thus i have plucked up the courage to express myself freely and learn something everyday. So, how about we learn together hmm? Also bear in mind I'm in no way shape or form a professional although maybe in a few months i might be haha! Sorry i ramble alot. The point i want to get across is that this is a place for me share my findings about topics which i find riveting or anything that piques my interest! So, i hope you enjoy your visit to my humble abode and grab a cup of chai 'cause oh boy..its going to be fun ride!