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Love Yourself (A sprinkle of self love)

Now, this is a topic quite different from what i usually write on this blog but nonetheless is very important and especially necessary in this difficult time! 

Time and again we've heard it, the concept of self love but ask yourself whether or not you've actually given it some thought. The concept is easy enough to understand but difficult to apply. Loving yourself doesn't mean that suddenly you are a narcissist or selfish! Oh no, thats a whole different topic. Self love how i perceive it is that it pertains to acceptance and forgiveness. Loving yourself to me means accepting myself with all my flaws and forgiving myself for the mistakes i may have made in the past and may make in the future. Accepting that I am after all a human being and i do and will continue to make mistakes. 

Loving yourself means putting yourself first and learning to accept that perfection is a a mere illusion. Perfection can never be attained but growth most certainly can. Failure is a given when your goals are high but thats NOT what you need to focus on! You need to focus on how much you learned through the process. 
Insecurities and societal standards play a huge role in hindering you from loving yourself because you always try to be a person you definitely aren't. The standards the society sets for us is certainly aimed towards perfection but it is not a lie that in the chase for perfection you may lose yourself. No matter how much you achieve there will always be that one person who you wouldn't satisfy. So, stop losing yourself in the shadows in the chase for perfection, start chasing your heart instead. Try to love yourself little by little and trust this is coming from a girl who had absolutely no confidence in herself and was insecure about everything. It took me quite a while before i realised that inorder for me to be the best version of myself i just need to trust in myself and take the plunge in the journey towards self love. 

I'm still working on several aspects of it but so far i can say i'm happier than i ever was but i still need to work on things like the imposter syndrome but i can proudly say that i am in a  healthy state of mind!

I hope reading this helped in some way shape or form and i hope you know that nobody should be more precious to you than you (and your family). You are precious, wonderful and an absolute gem. Theres nobody quite like you in this world and never will be!
Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is till standing.
On this warm note i'd like to say stay safe and drink lots of water this summer!


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