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CryoSleep (Just Science fiction or the future of the human race?)

Hey guys! Its Chai here back with my first official blog. Hope you enjoy!

I'm sure many of you are fans of the famous show on Netflix. Oh which one you ask? Jus drein jus daun! ring a bell? 

If not then i'm slightly disappointed that you are missing out on such a great show, i'm talking about the show The 100.This series is the inspiration behind this post. Ooh yes a big fan here haha, so you better not bash the show in comments or i'm blocking you! Just kidding everyone has their opinions so please leave down in comments about how excited you are for the final season but if you haven't checked out the show please do! So, if you've been following the show regularly like me you know a bit about cryosleep but if not don't you worry, your savior Chai is here. 

In the series it is shown that they sleep through a good 100+ years while they are alive to escape the radiation and to save the last of the human race.Yeah,right Clarke. Don't hate me but my favourite is Octavia so anyways before i started watching the show i did see and know about this concept of cryosleep but it is just now that i was inspired to write about it.  Like you I had many questions too. So, i decided to go ahead and investigate more about this phenomenon.So, before answering any of your questions lets start from the beginning.

Cryosleep to my understanding is described to be deep sleep during which the subject's body is subjected to freezing temperatures to preserve it from deterioration. You could sleep through a nuclear war and wake up a 1000 years later and it'd just be like it was yesterday. During Cryosleep the person doesn't age! Isn't that cool?
Don't get me wrong they do age figuratively but physically they don't. In simpler words explained its like hibernation except the fact that the subject neither needs food nor water and when they wakeup it feels just like yesterday. 

So, let me explain how cryogenics is decribed to function:The body of the subject is preserved through the process of vitrification.

And what maybe that Chai? Please explain in english, please tell the class what is vitrification.

Jeez okay. Since you asked nicely i'll explain. 

Vitrification is a preservation technique which leads to a glass like solidification meaning the subject is subjected to temperatures transitioned from 37 to −196 °C in less than 1 second, resulting extremely fast rate of cooling.
Okay now that's cool! admit it.

An antifreeze agent is injected into bloodstream of the subject, replacing water in the cells. The tissue is then cooled to -196°C  , but instead of crystallizing into ice, the chemicals clump together and become solid, molecularly similar to glass. The new glass form prevents the cells from bursting and, theoretically, holds them in a state of equilibrium for a long time.
Whoa, admit it you didnt know that did you? Yes, you the person reading this. Well, you're welcome.

Cryosleep is similar to the concept of Cryonics but theres a slight difference. Cryosleep is performed while the subject is alive but Cryonics deals with storing a corpse or a severed body part under freezing temperature usually at −196 °C or −320.8 °F or 77.1 K in hopes that it can be resurrected at a later point of time.

Yikes! Creepy much?

Coming to the most important question that we have been all thinking of:

Is Cryosleep legal?

Well sorry to break your fantasies but legally a subject can't be frozen until they are legally dead. Yeah, that's right. There's a thin line between technical death and legal death.The concept here is if you can be frozen after your heart stops but before brain function has stalled, there might be enough going on up there still to permit a return back to life.

Makes sense? 

Now, even if the vitrification part was successful theres still the matter of reversing the process which begins by rewarming the body and bringing back the tissues little by little. Thats the part which is still slightly tricky 'cause there has been no cases of success as of yet. The scientists are currently working with nanotechnology to improve the rewarming process.

So how would cryosleep be useful if successful?

Well, firstly space travel would become a whole lot easier with cryosleep. You could make it to not only to the nearest planets but it could be used to discover other possible unknown planets in the galaxy and all the scientists would have to do would be sleep through it and wakeup at the destination without needing food or water or suffering the ill effects of space travel!

What are your thoughts about this? 

Do you think there are inhabitable planets like Earth out there? waiting to be discovered?

Well i certainly do!

Anyways hope you found this interesting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Despite being a huge fan of the show, I am lazy enough to have not Googled about cryosleep 🙈

    April 10, 2020 at 10:21 PM

    1. Hahaha well not to worry 😆. I'm here for the very reason!

  3. Wow!Quite informative 💯


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