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The Slit-mouthed woman( An urban legend)

So, I don't know how many of you enjoy the horror movie genre. I most certainly DO NOT! Yeah yeah go ahead and call me a scaredy cat if you want to but atleast I can admit it!
I may not enjoy watching horror movies but I sure do love reading about urban legends along with true crime which is ironic considering I'm the most paranoid person you'll ever meet.

I blame the addicting true crime shows on Netflix!

Today I'd like to write about one such urban legend which has been going around for decades in Japan.
The legend of the slit-mouthed woman. If you already know about it I'm sure you have goosebumps right about now but if you don't phew you better hide under the blankets. Isn't that a horrifying gif? Who's scared now haha!
The slit-mouthed woman or Kuchisake- onna is a woman with half her face covered with mask and is usually known to carry a sharp object.

She is said to roam the streets of Japan and is known to approach you in the pretense of being interested in you. She then proceeds to ask you if she's pretty.
Now, you might think she's dealing with some kind of insecurity but oh boy are you wrong.This lady absolutely looney toons in the brain!

If you answer with a yes to her question, she removes her mask to reveal the hidden part of her face with her mouth slit uptil her ears almost like a huge smile as she stares at you eerily. She then proceeds to ask again whether or not you find her pretty. If answered no, she kills you with the sharp object she hides in her tattered clothes. If answered yes, she makes you just like her by giving you the huge smile she possesses.

Heard of the term ear splitting smile? Well in this case it is quite literally an ear splitting smile hahaha.

Jokes aside where does this exactly originate? Nobody knows but people have theorized that it was a man who suspected his wife of infidelity and the said wife had a beautiful smile thus he took out his anger on her by etching the said smile onto her face permanently making her completely lose her mind.

It is said that from that gruesome day onwards she roams the streets of Japan asking people whether she's pretty.

I have the chills just imagining the horror. But I know what you want to know.

How do we escape her if both answers leads to a horrific action? Is there no right answer?

There is!

You just need to say that she's average thus confusing her and buying yourself time to run away!

I know you facepalmed just right about now but yeah it's THAT simple!

In another version of the tale it is said that the individual can escape by answering yes to both her questions but the very night she is said to visit the individual's house to proceeds to ahem execute them in their sleep. We do not use the k-word here since we are a family friendly place but yeah that's the folklore that terrorizes the people of Japan.

So, that's the story. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I wanted to try sharing a story today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you'd like to see more of urban legends here because damn I do know alot!

For now I hope you guys have a good day ahead and stay safe during the quarantine!


  1. 😵🥴😵🥴😷😷 , now I cannot unremember that image for the rest of my life .😖😖


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