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Read with Chai #1

 Hello everyone! Back very soon just as I promised. I guess you are surprised seeing the title and are wondering what exactly it means. Well, if you’ve known me in real life you know I have loved reading and writing my whole life. But reading often took a backseat whenever other commitments became a priority. Younger Chai would be absolutely fuming if she knew I had stopped reading books for years altogether. I still remember begging my mom to take me to the library as and when she could when I was younger. Some of the best memories I have of my childhood include me picking up a book and getting lost in it for hours together, letting the characters and the plot wash over me.  However, once I got older and other things like studies, getting a job became a priority, my love for reading got shoved into corner. Until recently, I had forgotten how much I adored reading. It was my little escape from everything and inadvertently it is what has actually shaped my life the way it is. I am who I
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Gaslighting vs Validating yourself

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Change and Coping with it

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Validation. My thoughts and struggles with it.

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The infamous F-word( Its high time we talked about it)

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Cicada 3301( A secret Intelligence or a scam?)

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