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The infamous F-word( Its high time we talked about it)

Now, before I freak anyone out or get shouted at for clickbaiting I'd like to clarify that by the infamous F-word I mean Feminism! Bet you didn't think I'd be dropping that f-bomb haha. 

Yeah, after alot of contemplation I finally decided to pin down my understanding of feminism and what it actually means to be a feminist. I've realised that lengthy articulate definitions don't hit the spot like simple and heartfelt words do. So, first and foremost I'd like to give you an example to help you grasp the word better.

Yup! you got it. I'm pretty sure 99% of people truly desire equality but are afraid of this word which basically means the very same. However, I do understand why this might be the case. We human beings are often afraid of things we don't understand and trust me half of us don't know the true meaning of this word. But here's the funny thing it isn't a new concept at all. It has always existed but it is only now that its existence has been brought to light. 

Feminism although was originally started as a movement to empower women and to protect women's rights has evolved alot through the years. The notion of the word has changed alot and I personally  understood the meaning of this word after Emma Watson's UN speech. I'll leave a link to it at the end of this blog for people who are interested.

As the newer generation of millenials is approaching adulthood I feel the need to help understand this word better to those who might be sceptical of it. Feminism or being a feminist simply means that you believe in equality for everyone regardless of their gender identity, skin color, race, social status etc.

Through the years I feel like the true meaning of the word has been lost in the world of memes. Although I can take a joke, I donot condone racist jokes and female degradation. It gets my blood boiling whenever I hear anyone describe as boys being "girly" if they show the slightest hint of emotion or whenever I see a girl being labelled as a prostitute or "asking for it" just for dressing the way she wants to. It angers me when I hear parents justify their son's wrongdoings as "boys will be boys". No! Absolutely not! Boys will be what they are taught to be! Toxic masculinity is a very strong problem all over the world and the scary part is its normalization.

If anyone of the above examples angers you too, congratulations you are a feminist. 

I have had people tell me that I'm too sensitive or incapable of taking a joke after deliberately body-shaming me or telling me how I'd be prettier if I lost weight. I'm sorry but I did not ask for your opinion. People use racial slurs all the time to insult the artists I truly admire and trust me it hurts alot even if it isn't aimed directly at me. I just don't understand what sort of sadistic pleasure do you receive after being blatantly racist and crude to someone. You may not enjoy something that I absolutely love and I get that. In English thats called a preference and I understand it but why do YOU not understand that just because a boy is well dressed or likes to maintain basic hygiene it doesn't give you the right to call him girly or gay. That's his preference! 

Is it really that tough to understand?

 If I respect your preferences, you can damn well be sure that I won't stay quiet if you insult or shame mine.

The latest situation of the boys locker room shook me to my core. I truly wonder if such a situation would exist if the meaning of consent and respect was taught to those young boys. This situation is exactly why we need feminism and eradication of toxic masculinity. 

I hope through the blog atleast I was able to atleast make you understand the meaning of the word. The word feminism although has a lot of shades and layers and what I have stated is just the tip of the iceberg. 

There's just one question I'd like to ask you now:

 If you are not a feminist yet, why not?

Let me know whats stopping you from being one!

Link for Emma Watson's speech for people who'd like to educate themselves further:

There are many other articles and posts if you want to get further information. Feel free to do your own research, this is just my take on it.


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