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Showing posts from May, 2023

Read with Chai #1

 Hello everyone! Back very soon just as I promised. I guess you are surprised seeing the title and are wondering what exactly it means. Well, if you’ve known me in real life you know I have loved reading and writing my whole life. But reading often took a backseat whenever other commitments became a priority. Younger Chai would be absolutely fuming if she knew I had stopped reading books for years altogether. I still remember begging my mom to take me to the library as and when she could when I was younger. Some of the best memories I have of my childhood include me picking up a book and getting lost in it for hours together, letting the characters and the plot wash over me.  However, once I got older and other things like studies, getting a job became a priority, my love for reading got shoved into corner. Until recently, I had forgotten how much I adored reading. It was my little escape from everything and inadvertently it is what has actually shaped my life the way it is. I am who I

Gaslighting vs Validating yourself

 Have you ever been a particularly tough situation and said to yourself.. “Oh come on, get over it. Not a big deal,” if you have, yeah thats not really a good thing to do for yourself. That’s precisely what gaslighting looks like my friends.  Gaslighting refers to situation where someone tries to make you question your own reality by manipulating you. Phew! Some opening statement huh? Hey guys, Chai here back yet again with an interesting topic which picked my brain. If you have done the above mentioned then you’re not alone. I have done that and continue to do it in my daily life as a coping mechanism. Even I had not realised until recently that I was gaslighting and manipulating myself. Although with time I can now recognise this pattern of behaviour it still is hard to slip out of it.  If it was another person in the same situation like a friend or a family member or even an acquaintance, I would most likely provide them space to vent, listen to their end of the story and comfort or