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Showing posts from December, 2022

Change and Coping with it

Hi guys, I am back here after quite a while. This blog is my safe space where I express myself without the fear of being judged. I have always wanted this to be a place where we can have conversations about topics which might be considered uncomfortable in day to day conversation. Mental health is something which I consider very important. Hence, I consider conversations about mental health of utmost importance. So, lets start with me? I won’t lie to you, I am not in the best headspace right now. In fact I haven’t been for a while but we are all getting there right? Plus I believe I write better when I am down in dumps.  Sorry that got a bit dark! But anyways do let me know how you guys have been doing. As always I would like to reiterate that this is a safe space with no judgements!  Coming to what this blog is about, change. I feel like to an extent, change terrifies us all. Be it in school, college, in relationships or professionally. Don’t know if you guys relate but I definitely a