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Showing posts from March, 2022

Validation. My thoughts and struggles with it.

Hey guys, its Chai here! I know I have been gone for a while but you see life happens and certain priorities change. But inspiration struck me this one night when I could not sleep and I decided to pin my thoughts on this very notorious word "Validation". So, before I start I would just like to say this is my opinion and understanding of the word and I know people might agree and disagree with my opinion. Either way, please let me know your thoughts as well. I would love to read different point of views from you guys! Lets get started! So, I won't talk about anyone else. I want to talk about me and what validation meant to me and why for the longest time I associated it with my self-esteem and success in life. Oh boy! This is going to get up close and personal but I know I am not alone in this. Being bought up in an Indian family as the academically talented eldest child means there are a lot of expectations from you. These expectations being both academic and behavioral.